How to Style a Website using Tailwind CSS

Web Development


Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to style a Next.js website using the power of Tailwind CSS! Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that simplifies styling. In this tutorial, we'll dive deep into Tailwind CSS and show you how to add Tailwind classes to style your TypeScript-based Next.js website. Let's get started!

Step 1: Set Up Your Environment

Before we begin, make sure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your computer. You can download them from the official Node.js website.

Step 2: Initialize a New TypeScript-Based Next.js Project

Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following commands to create a new TypeScript-based Next.js project:

1 2 npx create-next-app my-next-website --typescript cd my-next-website

Step 3: Explore the Project Structure

Next.js has a predefined folder structure to keep things organized. The main folder you'll work with is 'pages.' It contains your website pages, with each file representing a page accessible via its URL path.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 my-next-website ├── node_modules ├── pages │ ├── api │ │ └── hello.js │ ├── _app.tsx │ ├── _document.tsx │ ├── index.tsx │ └── posts │ └── [id].tsxt ├── public │ ├── favicon.ico │ └── vercel.svg ├── styles │ ├── globals.css │ └── Home.module.css ├── .gitignore ├── next.config.js ├── package-lock.json ├── package.json └──

Step 4: Run the Development Server

To see your TypeScript-based website in action, run the development server with the following command:

1 npm run dev

Step 5: Create Your First Page

Let's create a simple 'Home' page. Inside the 'pages' folder, create a new file called 'index.tsx.' The file's content should look like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 import React from 'react'; const Home = () => { return ( <div> <h1 className="text-4xl font-bold">Welcome to My Next.js Website!</h1> <p className="text-lg mt-4">This is your Home page. Start building your amazing website here.</p> <button className="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 text-white font-semibold py-2 px-4 rounded-full mt-8">Click Me</button> </div> ); }; export default Home;

Step 6: Styling Your Website with Tailwind CSS

Now, let's explore how to use Tailwind CSS to style your TypeScript-based Next.js website. Tailwind CSS provides a wide range of utility classes that you can apply directly to your HTML elements. Here's how to do it:

1. Install Tailwind CSS and its dependencies:

1 npm install tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer

Step 7: Configure Tailwind CSS

Generate a Tailwind CSS configuration file by running:

1 npx tailwindcss init -p

Step 8: Create a Stylesheet

Create a CSS file (e.g., 'styles.css') in your project directory and include Tailwind CSS styles. Add the following content to your 'styles.css' file:

1 2 3 4 5 @import 'tailwindcss/base'; @import 'tailwindcss/components'; @import 'tailwindcss/utilities'; /* Add your custom styles here */

Step 9: Applying Tailwind CSS Classes

You can now apply Tailwind CSS classes to style your elements. For example, use classes like 'text-4xl' for text size, 'bg-blue-500' for background color, and 'hover:bg-blue-600' for hover effects. Here's how to use them:

1 2 <h1 className="text-4xl font-bold">Welcome to My Website</h1> <button className="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 text-white font-semibold py-2 px-4 rounded-full mt-8">Click Me</button>

Step 10: More Tailwind CSS Classes!

Tailwind CSS classes are versatile and can be used to style various elements. Here's a breakdown of some commonly used classes:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 /* Text Styling */ .text-4xl { /* Sets text size to extra-large */ } .font-bold { /* Makes the text bold */ } /* Button Styling */ .bg-blue-500 { /* Sets background color to blue */ } .hover:bg-blue-600 { /* Changes background color on hover */ } .text-white { /* Sets text color to white */ } .font-semibold { /* Makes the text semi-bold */ } .py-2 { /* Sets vertical padding */ } .px-4 { /* Sets horizontal padding */ } .rounded-full { /* Makes the button rounded */ } .mt-8 { /* Sets top margin */ }


In this blog post, we've focused on the essential steps to create a TypeScript-based Next.js website and style it using Tailwind CSS. Tailwind CSS's utility classes make it incredibly efficient to style your website without writing extensive custom CSS. Feel free to explore more Tailwind CSS classes and customize your website's look and feel further. Happy coding!